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from Yunnan to you
The Puerh Club

Puerh represents, in many ways, the height of what is possible in Tea. It brings together the vintage and rare, the light and dark, terroir and agricultural practice, the ancestors and the moderns, ancient trees and old tea gardens, high theanine and mature leaves. In this Club, you will receive multiple servings of high-end Sheng (Raw), Shou (Ripe), or both types of Puerh.


High End Tea Transforms You


Premium Puerh allows us to connect with true mastery at each level of its production: from the caretaking of ancient trees, to the careful picking, drying, and packing of the best leaf, and then to the proper aging practices that prepare the Tea for its journey through time. By brewing our carefully curated selection each month, you will share in the life force carefully preserved from the living treasure of ancient trees, benefit from fermentation and theanine, and delve into the exotic and dreamlike sensations of taste and body-feel only possible with Premium Puerh. 





Sheng Puerh

Sheng Puerh is the original, and is the most varied in terms of its flavor profiles, textures, and body feel. In addition to being more sensitive to local terroir, Raw Puerh is aging, oxidizing (getting darker), and fermenting slowly over time. We can drink it the year it is picked, we can wait decades, or try it anywhere along its journey. 


In its younger form, Sheng Puerh possesses a brighter palate with notes ranging from jasmine to cut grass to stewed fruits. As it begins to age, increasingly deeper, brothier notes emerge, ranging from mushroom, to wood, to meadow, to cacao.


A properly aged cake of high-end Sheng is a true gift to experience. In addition to its complex flavors and thick, juicy liquor, Sheng Puerh is highly regarded for its divine body feel, or Qi. Raw Puerhs you'll try in this Subscription are from trees up to 1,000 years old packed into cakes, bricks, and bells carefully aged up to 40 years.

Shou Puerh

Shou Puerh is a recent (1970s) creation, and represents the dynamic character of Tea culture  in China and the willingness to experiment despite thousands of years of cultivation. Unlike Raw Puerh, Ripe Puerh is fully fermented and oxidized before the aging process begins. Thus, all Shou Puerhs in this Club are fully fermented. Aging Shou Puerh results in significant evolution of the character of the Tea, but will not be as thorough a transformation as Sheng. Ripe Shou is, however, still vastly improved with age.


High-end Shou Puerhs possess incredibly rich, complex flavor profiles, comprised of notes ranging from chocolate, to camphor, to cherries and dried fruit, and even seemingly to places, like old libraries and hidden earthen caves. The Qi in Premium Shou is at once grounding and dreamy, trance-like and clear, deep down and high up. The liquor will be thick and round, coating the tongue and mouth and throat as the Qi spreads behind your eyes or in the chest.


In this Subscription, you can expect vintage selections aged up to 40 years from boutique brands and time-honored classics.

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